Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Work Flowchart Part1

This work flowchart is up to programming task.
Currently, we are in the phase of getting the component.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Detailed Work Distribution

This is detailed work distribution. The member of the team are advised to ask any member in the team if there are any cloudiness and confusion. The task is distributed in this manner to let each member of the team to have hand-on in this project. However, the project is executed as a team and each member will have experience in doing every aspect of the task. This task work for both project which is alarm system and line follower robot.

  • Task - Circuit Design and Analysis
    • Motor Controller
    • PIC
    • Sensor
  • Person in charge - Hassan and Izzat

  • Task - Mechanical Design and Analysis 
    • Body/Device Design
    • Assembly
  • Person in charge - Rosli and Madnok

  • Task - Controller
    • Programming
    • Testing/Troubleshooting
  • Person in charge - All 

  • Task - Buy and getting the component
    • Electronics component
    • Mechanical component
  • Person in charge - Rosli and Hassan

  • Task - Technical Report
  • Person in charge - All

  • Task - Manage Blog
  • Person in charge - Madnok

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Line Follower Robot

Robot specification:
  • An autonomous robot.
  • One robot only
  • Dimension
    • 270 mm (length) x 170 mm (base)
    • No height and weight limitation
  • Game field
    • Line is 25 mm wide
    • Black tape on a white surface
    • Slope approximate 15 degree (upslope and downslope)
    Rules of the game:
    • The robot is considered not working if the robot could not finish the lap within 90 seconds
    • Two chances is given to each team

    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    Mode of Operation

    The system consist of 2 mode of operation:

    Mode 1 - Whenever the laptop (Receiver) is carried out of the frequency range which is attached at the transmitter, the alarm will activated.

    Mode 2 - This mode explain how the laptop has been stolen and it can be found again by switching to the mode 2 where the laptop is the receiver, and the device will find the frequency through the unidirectional antenna.

    Legend - RX : Receiver, TX : Transmitter

    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    Product Design Specification

    A product design specification (PDS) is a statement of what a not-yet-designed product is intended to do. Its aim is to ensure that the subsequent design and development of a product meets the needs of the user.

    The PDS acts as an initial boundary in the development of products. However, it will naturally evolve as it is progressed through the different stages of the design process.


    This is our PDS

    Monday, January 25, 2010


    As a method to gather data, we have interviewed one of the imam’s who work at the Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Mosque.

    • Is it true that there are laptop often lost at the SHAS Mosque
    • Yes, it is true.

    • How many cases happened until now?
    • Average once a week laptop lost

    • When the incident happened?
    • The incident tends to happen during congregational prayer.

    • What is administration action to prevent this case?
    • Installing CCTV at the hotspot and ensuring that there are security guards patrolling.

    • After the administration action, how many cases solved?
    • There are no cases solved since the perpetrator knows when the security guard is patrolling.

    • Do the case still decreased after the action taken by the administration?
    • The incident decreased for a while but return back to normal as it before.

    • Why the case did still happened?
    • The case still happened because the perpetrator is still out there.
    Our conversation is stop because the azan for Asr already echoed.

    Thursday, January 21, 2010

    Responsibillity and Gantt Chart

    Every project is time consuming, what is very important is how to manage the the time, cost and work to do. For this, we planned what we have to do in every week and this will make us more alert and know which and what to do. Currently we are in week 7 and that mean we are at the 'procurement of mechanical stage'

    Gantt Chart

    Every team members will have their own task. But this doesnt mean they should focus on their task only. In our team, we help each other and we discuss and take everyone opinion. But the one who held the highest responsibility to the task should complete the task on time so this project will be run smoothly.

    Responsibility Chart